Apr 26, 2010

At last. Something to write home about.

Hi. It's me again. And not with one of the two posts I just promised you earlier today.
Oh, no! I've got much more exciting news!

I have recently applied, and just a few hours ago was informed that I was accepted, to the Internship at the DirectorsLabChicago! Yeyyyyyyy!!!

It's a week-long, intensive, workshop-like, well, LAB. For theatre directors. Which I am not, but - despite that last thingy I was applying to, what was that again, grad school? huh? PhD program? - I do actually aspire to be one day. So here's my chance to slave for others (remember, I'm just an interrrrn), while getting to know some theatre-people and opening a few doors, with the vague prospect of them all shutting back, if not with a slam, then with a steady screech ending with a thud. I envision said screech will start grating on my ears somewhere around September 2010, when I shall enclose myself in the so called Classics Reading Room, aka Where Classics Grad Students Come to Bury Themselves in Yellowing Pages of DICTIONARY. I? applied for grad school? When did that happen? Was I there?

So yeah. This internship application was actually quite demanding. So much so that DH was sure I was applying to participate as a director. Cute, isn't he? Especially since I have never directed anything in my life.
This was my favorite question:
Stepping Away from the Stage is a unique series in which professionals from outside the world of theatre are invited to speak about their craft in relation to the chosen theme. Examples of themes and speakers from past Labs include: myth and ritual/wedding planner, the kinetics of directing/traffic research safety scientist, re-imagining the classics/plastic surgeon.
With this in mind, please suggest two Stepping Away speakers related to this year's theme, 'In Rehearsal.'

I picked a Doula and a Haute Cuisine Chef. I won't expound on why exactly I thought these were a brilliant choice (isn't it brilliant?!), but in my defense, in defense of this whole copy-paste bonanza, I promised on my application that I would promote the Lab on my blog (they specifically asked in what technocratic ways I will be able to spread the word. So hear I am, telling you all about it. Ha! Little do they know that hardly anybody in Chicago reads this).

Actually, the aforementioned business of getting informed of my acceptance was a tad embarrassing. You see, they explicitly said applicants will be informed by today. So when today arrived, I was checking my email constantly - I want to say more frequently than usual, but that would be a lie. There is No More Frequently. - and when 7 PM arrived, the following email exchange ensued (this is for real, people. The Names Have Been Changed, though). (More Copy-Paste Bonanza. BONANZA! Fun word.)

6:54 PM
Dear Person In Charge of Interns,
I would just like to make sure that if I have not heard back from you by now, it means that my internship application was not successful.
thank you.

7:28 PM
I was just sitting down to write to you that in fact we would love to invite you to be part of the DirectorsLabChicago this year. We loved your application. My apologies on the delay, I was not at my computer earlier today.
See the following email for details.
Thank you.


7:43 PM
Thanks PICoI!
This is so exciting!
I'm sorry I was so impatient [translation: obsessive-compulsive] about it (there are some summer-flight schedules I need to settle) [not a lie. but still, kind of a stretch], and assumed you would see my email only tomorrow morning... [i.e., after the day you said you would contact us. I mean really. It's Chicago here, not NYC. People leave work and go home to their kids at 5 PM]
Thanks again. I'm really looking forward to being part of the Lab! [I hope you're not regretting the fact that you accepted me, now that my true neurotic self has been so distastefully revealed....]

[I remain humbly yours,]

1 comment:

  1. Yeyyyyyyyyyyyyy indeed! congratulations!
    so happy to hear about this new escapade coming your way.
